Monday, December 21, 2009

C.J. Maloney as featured in Lew Rockwell's site...

I am not a gun freak or nut by a long shot however this line from an article by C. J. Maloney gave me pause...if anything for the sheer simplicity and literary brilliance of it!!!

"Who says that God has no sense of humor, if a rather dark one, when He gives for us the ironic fact that of all the forms of political organization that humans herd themselves into there has been none more reactionary, bloodthirsty, or political than Stalinism, and that’s the one which gave us the cheap to produce, lethal, and amazingly low maintenance AK-47. Besides corpses and vodka, the AK-47 was the only thing communist Russia was ever able to mass-produce."

Gotta love it!! Most especially the last I sip my vodka! :-)

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