Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fiorito: The cops came and took my gun -

Fiorito: The cops came and took my gun -

Wow...this is an incredible story. Thank God it is 'just' Canada and not the US of A. Yet. Although I don't know of any particular instances such as this here in the US, I don't doubt that if it hasn't happened yet, it probably will soon. Here in the US, the irony is that those major cities with some of the strictest gun laws (Canadian-style) are the cities with the highest rates of violent crime. DC, Chicago, NY, etc. Why? Not because of the armed populace but rather BECAUSE of the unarmed populace...well, unarmed saved for the criminals who don't give a hoot about the gun laws anyway...

Beyond the crime/safety angle wrt gun laws, I believe the larger issue at hand is why is it in the government's interest to have an unarmed populace? Um...perhaps for their (the government's) safety? Our founding fathers knew from experience that an armed populace is to be respected...civil and respectful government. An unarmed populace...well, they are nothing more than the playthings of capricious government and tyrants.

As for me, I prefer to be armed. I prefer that may neighbor be armed. I prefer that my countrymen understand the rights and responsibilities and the necessary implications of maintaining their full and unfettered right to bear arms. I prefer that government get out of the business of disarming its citizens as when it does, it is, through numerous examples, one step away from tyranny.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

For Fun

A little light-hearted political quiz... As a friend of mine rightfully pointed out, the questions can be perceived to be a bit stilted in favor a particular outcome but then again, there are folks out there that really don't believe in free speech if they don't agree with the message! :-) Enjoy.

I couldn't get the link to the quiz to post properly so you will have to copy and paste the address below to take the quiz. I know, not quite 1-click convenience!

The True Nature of Natural Rights | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

The True Nature of Natural Rights | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

I really can't (nor should) add to this post defining natural rights. I am a simple person and this piece described natural rights simply and concisely...a very good read and worth consideration.

He is We?

He is We?

Paul Krugman is a schmuck! The economists at Cafe Hayek call him out for what he is...

Scandal: Albert Edwards Alleges Central Banks Were Complicit In Robbing The Middle Classes

Scandal: Albert Edwards Alleges Central Banks Were Complicit In Robbing The Middle Classes

If what this article purports is true then I believe we are in for a bumpy ride indeed. Heads will roll, quite possibly in the most literal sense. Yes it is cliche but for a very solid reason: "Hell hath no fury like a...". In this case, it will be the fury of we peasants, IF we can wake up fast enough and in mass...

Obama Justice Department Decapitates Gun Industry: FBI Arrest 21 Gun Industry Executives in Las Vegas to Attend Gun Show

Obama Justice Department Decapitates Gun Industry: FBI Arrest 21 Gun Industry Executives in Las Vegas to Attend Gun Show

Granted that Alex Jones is a bit of an inflammatory source, this is still a potentially scary development. Regardless of whether these folks were breaking federally regulated business laws, the signal it sends from this administration is less about keeping business clean (the administration is about as dirty as they come) and more about launching a shot across the bow of the 2nd amendment...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Calling all Death Pimps...

Well, in a manner of speaking anyway. As I told (Texas) Mike the other day, I am in the market for some home defense tools... Mike gave me some great advice and although a shotgun is arguably the best home defense weapon, I think I want to start with a pistol (or two). Based on my range and shoot house experiences, I am not so sure that I want a 9 mil...probably looking at a .40 or .45 mostly for security of 'stopping' power. As a family man, budget is always a is quality. So, setting an arbitrary ceiling of $700...any thoughts and rationalizations out there for what might hit the mark? (Yeah, bad pun!)

Is Liberty Doomed? | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

Is Liberty Doomed? | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

While I agree with this author's assertion that there is something amiss when the states must pass resolutions affirming their rights under the 9th and 10th amendments, I would take the level of umbrage a step further and ask, why must we stand up for our rights that are explicitly negatively and positively delineated in the constitution...

OK - somewhat of a rhetorical question as I believe we MUST stand up whenever and wherever our rights, our constitution, and our country are threatened. I guess I also, more pointedly, believe that neither the states nor the individuals should NEED to be reminded about what is at stake...we, collectively and individually should be walking and talking it every day so that is is woven into the fabric of our lives and speaking about it would be merely an exercise in superfluous jaw-jawing...

So, obviously we are NOT there and proactive action on our part is a MUST...the goal of aggressive action now would be for clear understanding and muted calm later.

The Best Intentions, football, and economics meet head on...Libs win!

Chalk this one up to the, "There ought to be a law..." mentality. In this case, the disaster we call minimum wage. Wages are a cost of production and if govt forces wages up, thereby driving costs of production up, then, unless a company has enough margin to continue making a profit (or remain operable), it has little choice but to either move somewhere else where costs of production are lower or, close its doors.

The road to Hell, as we all come to be painfully aware in life, is paved with good intentions.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Government Is Too Big to Succeed

Government Is Too Big to Succeed

Too big to succeed indeed!
Gotta love it... The administration voices concerns about needing to 'create' more jobs. Solution? Tax the citizens even more to rob them of money which the administration then, with great fanfare, gives back to its selected friends and benefactors to, ostensibly, create more jobs. Nope. It is theft plain and simple. Theft through taxation and then theft through perennial indebtedness. Want to create jobs more easily? Leave the money with the taxpayers to begin with. But then, this is not about jobs but rather political theater...

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Powers Delegated to the Federal Government are Few and Defined

The Powers Delegated to the Federal Government are Few and Defined

Finally, something with legal teeth! Now if other state legislatures would follow, we might get the federal govt to begin withdrawing its odious presence from every aspect of our lives!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mandating the purchasing of U.S. Treasuries?

This little gem of a piece discusses possible moves afoot within the government to force retirement account investments (401k's etc) into government treasuries. It sounds a bit off and more than a bit scary but there is a ring of truth and possibility to it. After all, if there are no buyers in the market for U.S. Treasuries, what happens to the government's ability to continue funding its deficit spending and interest payments on its debt? So, to prevent that, why not legislate (mandate) a buyer into existence? And, if this sounds far-fetched, as the author points out, Argentina has already embarked on this road...

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Battle For Washington D.C Is Lost, The Battle For America Has Just Begun | Oregon Tenth Amendment Center

The Battle For Washington D.C Is Lost, The Battle For America Has Just Begun | Oregon Tenth Amendment Center

Yup...and the tide is beginning to recede ominously. The tsunami is building. Well, at least I can write that it is. Only individuals' actions at the state level will build the wave that will lift the yoke off our necks...

After the Collectivist Winter Will Come the Spring by Vin Suprynowicz

After the Collectivist Winter Will Come the Spring by Vin Suprynowicz

You betcha! I think that perhaps the only substantive argument that remains now for a scenario described by Mr. Suprynowicz is the "when". As I have mentioned in previous posts, I really believe that at some point, the American people will finally rise up, be it at the ballot box or the gun shop, to reclaim their country and their constitution. I should also state that the pessimist in me believes that there are too few Americans left that really give a damn...too addicted to the American version of the Roman Empire's "bread and circuses"... We'll see. Perhaps, as the article suggests, it will be another 10 years before a critical mass of dissenters is formed to alter the course of our country...for the positive, of course! ;-)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009: The year climate change and global warming activists would like to forget

2009: The year climate change and global warming activists would like to forget

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Not too much too say about this one other than I found it humorously encouraging and wanted to share it...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Command Economy by Charles Goyette

The Command Economy by Charles Goyette

As I post this I am listening to an interview with Charles Goyette discussing, among other things, the impact of the U.S.'s inexorable slide toward a command economy. As he points out in the article, our government is foisting these radical changes on us without our 'knowledge' or consent. I guess Rahm Emmanuel's "never let a good crisis go to waste" is in full play to effect this transition...

Mish Charles Goyette and George Noory on The Meltdown of the Dollar

Mish Charles Goyette and George Noory on The Meltdown of the Dollar

Ron Paul's ideas no longer fringe -

Ron Paul's ideas no longer fringe -

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I suppose we can't expect everyone to drink the Austrian/Paul economic/political school of thought Kool-Aide in one sitting. At least this article is a start...

Is the Dollar a Ponzi Scheme?

Is the Dollar a Ponzi Scheme?

Good read. Sobering. So, are we, collectively, ready for the shit to hit the fan? I think not.

If what Jake Towne describes comes to pass, I forsee a whole lot of angry Americans wondering what happened to the "American Dream". I think (hope?) that they will do a lot more than just angrily wonder and actually take action to wrest our country back from the current batch of kleptocrats. I sincerely hope for action through the ballot box but I believe it is not out of the realm of the possible for the wresting back part to be disorderly and violent.

These are going to be interesting times to be sure!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy 2010 to any who happen to read this. I hope that this coming year, and decade, is much less turbulent than most of the signs portend. I like living in exciting times but sometimes that too can get very old, very quickly. So, here is to a peaceful, productive, and beneficent year...may our spiritual, professional, and personal pursuits bear vibrant fruit...

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