Saturday, December 19, 2009

Here goes...

This blog, for whatever it amounts to, is in large part a by-product of my wife's insistence that I quit posting my views on Facebook as people just didn't want to read them... So, now I can write and post what I like here and still have people not read my ramblings. I suppose that is a win for all??

In any event, although I have no interest in constraining myself to any one particular topic, I expect that the majority of my musings herein will deal with economics, politics, the intersection of both, and perhaps a sprinkling of whatever else may strike my fancy on any particular day. Perhaps more to the point regarding my future postings is the discipline I may (or more likely, may not) muster in posting with any sense of regularity. We'll see.

So...until the next 'outrage' prompts my urge to post...

Cheers all -

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