Saturday, February 27, 2010

Denninger: Let’s Cut the Crap — We Are in a Depression Right Now

Denninger: Let’s Cut the Crap — We Are in a Depression Right Now

This does NOT sound like a fun time. The financiers and politicos may have been having fun while it lasted but I tend to agree with Denninger here and suspect that it will not end well for them...

Majority of Americans believe Government a threat to their liberties

Cut and paste the above to read the story...

This, from CNN no less! Unfortunately, I don't think the 'government' is listening. The continued misrepresentation of the citizens as well as the trampling of the Constitution bear witness to this... can only be politically deaf for so long before it comes back to haunt them.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - Investigate Climate Crimes - Investigate Climate Crimes

To HELL with a show hearing in Congress. Find John Edwards, the best trial lawyer money can buy (LOL), and have him file a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the average citizens of the world that were the targets of this insidious fraud! Class-action lawsuits have been filed for much less cause than this!!

I am not really in favor of a lawsuit but I really think the people that have, and continue, to foist this crap science on us need to feel the pain where we were/are feeling their pocketbooks. Honestly, jail would not be a bad place for these hucksters as fraud, embezzlement, and extortion are, to my knowledge, offenses that merit imprisonment... I can get behind that!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wall Street's Bailout Hustle by Matt Taibbi

Wall Street's Bailout Hustle by Matt Taibbi

Who knew? I guess, like Playboy, Rolling Stone does have good articles occasionally?

I actually came across this article at and was so fascinated by it that I followed the link through to read it in its entirety. Wow! The sham and scam that the Wall Street banksters are engaged in makes murders like Ted Bundy look like absolute benevolent socialites! Incredible. This behavior though, I hope, will sooner or later result in Main Street storming the Bastille of Wall Street...looking for repayment, in blood if necessary. And I truly hope it is sooner...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Walter Williams

Walter Williams

Yeah! Walter Williams' plucky aplomb in Korea is absolutely as applicable today wrt the census... Make a stand!

Attention, Mundanes: “You Don’t Ever Touch a Cop”

Attention, Mundanes: “You Don’t Ever Touch a Cop”

This ought to have your blood boiling. Never mind the police bullying, how about that cop compassion for the distraught parents? As a parent, I can't say that my response to the policemen's alleged behavior would be nearly as civil. Jail be damned.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gun Refresher Course

Gun Refresher Course

This is absolutely priceless!! A quote a day for the next month! 2nd amendment rights - yours to promote and protect.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The New World Order Prison Planet

The New World Order Prison Planet

This 10 minute video is a real eye-opener. Conspiratorial? Maybe. Possible? You bet. Discomforting? ABSOLUTELY. What reality are we living in?

Martial Law in America: No Longer Just a Possibility! by Gary D. Barnett

Martial Law in America: No Longer Just a Possibility! by Gary D. Barnett

Many of the ideas brought up in this article have been covered in other postings however, the final paragraphs are especially frightening. Not for what they foretell but for what they point out is already in place! And yes, at what point do we the people stand up and fight for our disappearing liberty? Once we are in the slaughter chute it will be too late...

Lew Rockwell on the Presidency

I picked this article up via the Mises Organization's Facebook posting. As a fan of Lew Rockwell, I suspected it would be an entertaining read. And indeed, it is a fascinating analysis of the nature of our executive branch. I would be more prone to indict the 'state' rather than the executive branch as the sum of the state is even more crushing than just the one branch... That said, read on (copy and paste link below) for a different perspective!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Contributors

I have decided to open up this blog to a small group of friends who share interests similar to mine. In part this is to facilitate our discussions as it can be cumbersome using Facebook. It is also in part to open up the range and breadth of topics discussed on this blog. I look forward to this effort bearing fruit and hopefully spreading the benefits of varied perspectives and ideologies to whomever our readers may be.

Cheers -
Well, this is cool...

Libertarian - A video explanation

This excellent video clearly explains the Libertarian point of view. The video is courtesy of The International Society for Individual Liberty.


Yuri Bezmenov
Uploaded by onmyway02.

Although this interview occurred some 25 years ago, it is a bit eerie in how the defectors analysis mirrors what is happening today in our country...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Are You Ready For The Coming Obama Retirement Trap? by Ron Holland

Are You Ready For The Coming Obama Retirement Trap? by Ron Holland

The author of this article is a retirement specialist and that, of course, may color his outlook. That said, I can find no quarrel with his analysis regarding the legitimacy of the national debt accrued in the name of the people and yet for the benefit of a minuscule few. Even now I am picking up word that the Fed is contemplating bailing out Greece from its debt crisis...WHY? Although I don't have the info at hand, I am willing to bet it may be because certain US financial institutions may have interests in a bailout... Say, institutions such as Goldman Sachs? It is bullshit and I for one am willing to rationally consider exit strategies for the sovereign states as legitimate vehicles to escape the tyranny of the federal government and its cabal of illegitimate financiers.

Good God...the more I read and hear, the more disturbed I become, recognizing that to some sick extent, we live in a world that is distressingly like the Matrix. There is the projected/perceived reality and then, there is cold, hard reality. That splash of reality in the face is a refreshing (depressing) wake-up call that our country and liberty are at stake...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

South Carolina steps on the throat of the First Amendment

Again, links giving me fits - copy and paste the address to find the actual proposed law form the SC Government website:

Unbelievable!! The government of SC is poised to deem freedom of speech and assembly illegal unless pre-approved through registration with the government. Specifically, if a group of people with contrary views of the role of government (hereafter defined as subversive activities) wishes to congregate and air their dissatisfaction...may only legally do so if registered as a "subversive activity". Failure to do so is punishable by up to $25000 and/or 10 years in the clink.

Wow! The scope and intent of this proposed law is simply staggering... I will have to post more later on this topic as it is, at this point, indigestible. What the hell???

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Who Sing to the Obama Faithful

The Who Sing to the Obama Faithful

Now this is a nice stinging slap to the face of anyone out there that believes that there are any material differences between one administration and the next. What hasn't changed is the continual assault on our liberties and our Constitution. Why can't more people see this when it is as clear as the nose on their face?

Daily Gut: Obama’s Coffin/T-Shirt ‘Moment’

Daily Gut: Obama’s Coffin/T-Shirt ‘Moment’

Yeah...narcissism is probably too polite a term for what afflicts the Commander in Chief. No doubt a few of my friends out there have a few more choice ones to proffer for contemplation?! :-)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Raising the bar for Nullification | Tenth Amendment Center

Raising the bar for Nullification | Tenth Amendment Center

When a state or individual stands up to Leviathan, I find a moment of inspiration. Just maybe, we are a country of courageous individuals after all, and not the gelatinous mass of insipid non-persons that those in power wish us to be.... Just maybe.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hmmm - once again, the link feature is either not working for me or is eluding my collective brain cell wattage. :-( Please cut and paste to read the story below...

Somehow, the thought of anarchy in the absence of Putin's firm hand at the rudder is VERY comforting. Living a life under the boot of a tyrannical state with a prolific absence of freedoms just isn't something that I would cotton to.

On further reflection, our government's recent mewling about cross, uncivil citizens is not that far removed from Putin's political ruminations. Our Chief Executive seems to think that if one adamantly disagrees with his agenda, they are opening the door to uncivil discourse (i.e. anarchy)... So maybe the answer is government's firm hand on the First Amendment to assure civil discourse and right speech and right thought...

Good God!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Anarchist...Sure, why not?

Apologies - cannot make the link work...if you want to read the piece (I recommend it) you'll need to copy and paste the address into your browser...

Reading this piece about the life of a middle-class anarchist in Britain had me up in arms and enthusiastically supportive of his techniques. When government becomes petty and overbearing, like the bully that steals your lunch money in the school yard, well, hell yeah, at that point, anything you can get away with that contravenes the bullshit laws is fair game...and maybe even fun!

As a libertarian, I am beginning to see more and more value in the anarchist view point... Show me a government/state that is benevolent and selfless...I'll show you my 18 point golf game!

In any event, I digress...the article is humorous but only in the gallows sense. I feel pity for the English now living under their warren of banal rules...I feel horror for the Americans, knowing what awaits them if they do not wake up to the tyranny of the Nanny State...

The Bankruptcy of the United States is Now Certain

The Bankruptcy of the United States is Now Certain

And the drum keeps insistently pounding... I believe that only the most woolly-headed optimists in chronic denial can assert that the U.S. is not headed for some serious financial turmoil. The if I think is no longer in play, only the when. The when is becoming an ever more closely looming specter... Of course, this is one thing that I would most gladly suffer to be wrong about!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 - Bare Warning - Bare Warning

Ok - so no doubt I am going to sound like a conspiracy theororist here but...they can be right too....right?

So, maybe, just maybe, the only reason these intel bubbas can be so certain that there WILL be a 'terrorist' attack in the next 6 months or so might be because they are the ones pulling the strings to make it happen?

Think about can someone predict with 100% certainty the actions of another, especially if the subject of the prediction is bent on surprising you? Predict publicly 3 to 6 months? Act in 1 month or 7...their guard will be down. Wait a year, the threat of effective counter action may have passed.

So really, the only certainty is contained in the elements that you control. Either there will be an attack in that time frame because it is what the govt wished/enabled to occur or there won't. Either way, the govt 'wins' because, using the justification of an impending terror attack, they can seize ever more power and control...more curtailment of our liberties for the purported benefits of public safety.

On this one, I am throwing the bullshit flag. Either way it goes - attack or no attack - government is controlling the outcome...their level of certainty assures it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Will Ron Paul Run for President in 2012?

Will Ron Paul Run for President in 2012?

Hell yeah! Ron Paul ought to run...not that I believe in any mortal 'savior' types but Ron Paul certainly talks and acts straight and what you see is what you get. The big plus, of course, is that his politics and economics make sense. Hopefully he runs... - Walesa's Warning - Walesa's Warning

Perhaps the most ironic bit in this piece is Walesa's observation of America's slouch towards socialism... This moral lapse, amongst others, truly has tarnished the inspirational strength that America had been for generations. Perhaps no more.

I've got mine -have you got yours?

I posted this to my FB page as well only because, despite the drama sown throughout the piece, I believe there is merit to the postulated scenario... Not sure what else I can intelligently add to this piece so I will leave it at that.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Enemies Of Free Speech Call For Internet Licensing

Enemies Of Free Speech Call For Internet Licensing

This lengthy article is worth a good read because, if there is any truth to it, we are being led inexorably to a state/world that is more and more scarily reminiscent of Orwell's "1984". The axiom goes (loosely) that knowledge is power and he that has the knowledge, has the power... So, the internet, which has IMO led to perhaps the greatest explosion ever of globally shared information and knowledge poses a threat to those who wish to have the power and hence, must control the information/knowledge. That governing bodies are out there that wish to regulate the flow of information should scare the living shit out of anyone that prefers a life of freedom than one of servitude...

Count me as a strong advocate of the former!!

The Secessionist Campaign for the Republic of Vermont

The Secessionist Campaign for the Republic of Vermont

Looks like some left-libertarian folks in Vermont are intent on taking the gloves off and proclaiming their intent/desire to secede from the Union. More power to the Green Staters...

Unfortunately, I don't think that they will find the necessary amount of popular and legislative support within their state. Vermont's neighbor, New Hampshire may arrive at that point sooner provided the Free State Project folks have some success in obtaining the required concentrations of like-thinking people. Wyoming may as well.

That said, I don't think that secession is the first thing these folks ought to be striving for... They may find more accommodation in pursuing staunch 10th, 2nd, 4th, and 1st amendment state legislation as well as standing strongly for interposition and nullification of federal laws and unwanted encroachment. If these efforts do not work, then eventually the way to secession may be cleared.

Finally, I should state that I do not support secession as a preferred initial means of dealing with an overbearing and encroaching federal government. However, provided a logical, moral, and ethical progression of steps has been taken to assert the will of the people of the state, and it has been to no avail, then the state ought to be free to secede from its union with the United States. After all,lest anyone forget, each state came to the Union on behalf of the will of its should they be free to leave the union....

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